Essential Nutrient of Protein

Essential Nutrient of Protein
Protein seems to have a more positive image than the other macronutrients. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, protein usually associated with promoting good health and increasing one’s strength and vitality.

Athletes often choose high protein foods or take protein supplements with the promise of increasing muscle mass, strength and endurance.

But does dietary protein deserve such a positive reputation? Does it really increase a persons strength and vitality? Should we be concerned about eating too much protein?

A more complete understanding of what protein are and what they do in the body is needed to accurately answer these questions.

First, as an essential nutrient, protein is required in the diet to replace body proteins that are degraded as part of normal metabolism.

Most people in developed countries consume about twice as much proteins as the body needs.

Second, the body uses only what it needs so excess dietary protein is mostly “burned” for energy.

Consuming excess protein does not automatically make muscles larger or become stronger – only exercise will do that.

Finally consuming high protein diets does have some risks. The processing of protein in the body requires lots of water a (about seven times more water than required for processing carbohydrates).

Consequently, dehydration is a common problem, particularly for people who exercise and lose even more water through sweat and evaporation.

Also the kidneys are the only organs that can process the waste products of protein metabolism for elimination in the urine. An excess of dietary protein over time can overwhelm the kidneys and cause permanent damage.

Like all nutrients , protein should be consumed as part of an overall balanced diet that contains adequate - but not excessive – amounts of protein.

Overconsumption of protein can easily occur in economically developed countries where both animal and plant foods containing protein are readily available.
Essential Nutrient of Protein

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