Bottom-fermented lager

Lager made with yeast that settle on the bottom (Saccharomyces carlsbergensis) of the container used. Thus, all the yeast and other material settles on the bottom which results in a clear beer. Lagers are distinguished from ales, or top-fermented British types of beer.

Lager is a German word that translates as “storage,” which gives a hint as to its method of brewing. Lagers are beers that are ferment slowly at low temperatures.

Lagers generally requires a bit more time to age after primary fermentation is complete. Perhaps 3-4 weeks. Depends on alcohol strength, style, etc. Lagers include many of America's famous beers, including Budweiser, Busch Lite, Coors, Miller Genuine Draft, and PBR.

Lagers are a typical entry point into beer for new drinkers. It has a lower tolerance to alcohol; lagers can taste light and a little malty. Classic lagers in America include Miller High Life, Coors, Budweiser and Yuengling.

Bottom-fermented lagers have their origins in continental Europe. Lagers were discovered by accident in the 1500s when it was found that storing brews made with cold-resistant yeast for a month produced a crisper beer. In 1420 beer was made in Germany by a bottom-fermentation process, so called because the yeast tended to sink to the bottom of the brewing vessel.
Bottom-fermented lager

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